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The State of California regulation 18755 requires disclosure under Government Code section 87302 of any conflict of interest code in connection with a decision made by a person or persons at an institution of higher education with principal responsibility for a research project to undertake such research, if it is to be funded or supported, in whole or in part by a gift, grant, contract, or (under certain circumstances) Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) or data under a Data Use Agreement (DUA) from a non-governmental organization (NGO).

Per these regulations, principal investigators are required to disclose financial interests in non-governmental funding sources to determine if the interest would have a material financial effect on the research or educational activities, or in entities whose financial interests would reasonably appear to be affected by such activities. Investigators must also disclose the financial interests of their spouses/registered domestic partners and/or dependent children.

Funding from certain NGOs will not trigger a 700-U disclosure as they have been exempted from the process by the State. See the List of Non-governmental Entities Exempt From Disclosure Requirement approved by the University and the Fair Political Practices Commission for exemption from the University's non-governmental entity financial disclosure requirement; all non-profit, tax-exempt educational institutions are exempt from the disclosure requirement.

What types of research does this apply to?

These regulations apply to any research project is funded or supported in whole or in part by a gift, grant, contract, or (under certain circumstances) Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) from a non-governmental organization (NGO).