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Risk Assessment: Animal Care and Use and Hazardous Agents

All employees, students, volunteers, visiting researchers, and non-UC collaborators who are listed on an Animal Care and Use Protocol or work with live, vertebrate animals in research or teaching are required to complete the risk assessment in the UC Merced Animal Care and Use Occupational Health Program.

The Principal Investigator and all personnel listed on an Animal Care and Use Protocol must be cleared PRIOR to initiating any work with animals.

Please follow these step-by-step instructions to complete the UCMerced OHSS enrolment, Medical Health Questionnaire and upload necessary immunization:

The Occupational Health Surveillance process:

Enrolling a new lab member

1. The supervisor/ P. I reaches out to the onsite occupational health services at requesting to create an account for the new lab member.

2. Occupational Health Services might request for the participant's date of birth and UC Merced ID (if they are nonpaid student) to create an account.

3. Once the account has been created, the participant will then receive an automatically generated email notification from to log in and proceed to the Health Surveillance Questionnaire.

Health Surveillance Questionnaire

4. Visitand login with your UC Merced username and password.

5. Once you have completed your single sign-on, you will be directed to the Mobile*Med employee portal. You will see a Red Notification bell on the left side of the portal. (It will show you all your assigned questionnaires)

6. Once you have entered the immunaztion dates, click on the attach button next to Immunization Record. Upload an image of your immunization records for verification purposes. PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF files are accepted. The OHSS clearance could be delayed without the uploaded image of your immunization records.

NOTE: When filling out your confidential Health Questionnaire (HQ), make sure to have your vaccination history available. Vaccine history, including date, is requested on the HQ and does not automatically pre-populate from previous forms or previous vaccination and/or testing services performed by Occupational Health. If you have had a vaccination, but it is not entered on the questionnaire, the Occupational Health Provided may reccomend this service before providing clearance. This may create an unnecessary appointment or clearance delay.

7Make sure you answer all the questions correctly, once you have completed this step of the Questionnaire, click submit.

Reviewing Medical Asesment

8. If there are questions from the health professional on the HQ, you will receive an email from the Health Care Provider to clarify health information.

The review process will take a couple of days and in some cases, consultation with a medical professional or medical services (i.e., vaccinations, TB testing, Q Fever) may be required prior to getting clearance to enter certain facilities.